Creating Virtual Standard Switch via Ansible
To create this playbook I use two modules vmware_vswitch and vmware_portgroup.
Ansible documentation.
vmware_vswitch >>
vmware_portgroup >>
download playbook >> VSScreator.yml
download secrets file >> secrets.vml
1.Before run this playbook I need to install vmware collection by run “ansible-galaxy collection install community.vmware”
2. Create or download secrets.vml file with passwords and some vars.
3. Playbook will find all esxi host in your vCenter and add vswich and create port group on each of them.
Playbook will set up some specific settings like (MTU , promiscuous_mode , mac_changes , forged_transmits and traffic_shaping )
4. To run playbook use: ansible-playbook ansible/VSScreator.yml command
5. Let’s check result on vCenter level.
VSS was created and associate with port group and vmnic7
Security Settings
Traffic shaping settings
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