Ansible Install Admin Tools via win_chocolatey module.

Ansible Install Admin Tools via “win_chocolatey” module.

I create playbook to install some Admin tools on my windows server.

7zip (program to zip and unzip big files)
procexp (program to investigate performance issues)
putty ( program to connect via port 22)
notepadplusplus (advance notepad)
windirstat  (program to investigate disk space issues)
git ( github program )
winscp ( program to copy file )


For this playbook I use module call chocolatey.chocolatey.win_chocolatey.

You can read some information on Ansible documentation.


To install it use: ansible-galaxy collection install chocolatey.chocolatey.

To use it in a playbook, specify: chocolatey.chocolatey.win_chocolatey.


download playbook >>InstallSoftWindows


OPTION 1  (Run playbook from you ansible server)


  1. I run this playbook by type command ansible-playbook ansible InstallSoftWindows.yml

2. Test

When this playbook finish I was simply login to server and check if all programs was installed.

Just putty you can find in in start menu as usually 🙂



OPTION 2  (run from Ansible Tower )


download playbook for Ansible Tower >> InstallSoftWindowsAT

Let’s create Template in Ansible Tower to run playbook.


Modify playbook module name need to be change from chocolatey.chocolatey.win_chocolatey to  win_chocolatey 

I get some error when I try run with chocolatey.chocolatey.win_chocolatey module




  1. Copy Playbook

I copy playbook to my project  folder in Ansible Tower in my case this was /var/lib/awx/projects/WindowsScripts

If you have any YML scripts you can copy to project folder  “/var/lib/awx/projects/your project folder name

you need to select *Name, Job Type, *Inventory, *Project, *Playbook this will be different depend how you configure your Ansible Tower.


2. Create New template select Name, Inventory, Project, Playbook and save option.

3. Check and edit your ansible tower host inventory if needed.


4. Run Templates.


5. Check results.







- name: Install git
    name: git
    state: present

- name: Upgrade installed packages
    name: all
    state: latest

- name: Install notepadplusplus version 6.6
    name: notepadplusplus
    version: '6.6'

- name: Install notepadplusplus 32 bit version
    name: notepadplusplus
    architecture: x86

- name: Install git from specified repository
    name: git
    source: https://someserver/api/v2/

- name: Install git from a pre configured source (win_chocolatey_source)
    name: git
    source: internal_repo

- name: Ensure Chocolatey itself is installed and use internal repo as source
    name: chocolatey
    source: http://someserver/chocolatey

- name: Uninstall git
    name: git
    state: absent

- name: Install multiple packages
    - procexp
    - putty
    - windirstat
    state: present

- name: Install multiple packages sequentially
    name: '{{ item }}'
    state: present
  - procexp
  - putty
  - windirstat

- name: Uninstall multiple packages
    - procexp
    - putty
    - windirstat
    state: absent

- name: Install curl using proxy
    name: curl
    proxy_url: http://proxy-server:8080/
    proxy_username: joe
    proxy_password: p@ssw0rd

- name: Install a package that requires 'become'
    name: officepro2013
  become: yes
  become_user: Administrator
  become_method: runas

- name: install and pin Notepad++ at 7.6.3
    name: notepadplusplus
    version: 7.6.3
    pinned: yes
    state: present

- name: remove all pins for Notepad++ on all versions
    name: notepadplusplus
    pinned: no
    state: present

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